by Yome NetSan
29. September 2009
TMIPH (This Month in Phish History)
More from even furthur
by Yome NetSan
16. September 2009
I was watching the Clifford Ball, day 2 set 2, Run Like An Antelope. A girl was coming on stage to dance on a rope when my wife came back from work. I hit the X button of my PS3 controller (I watch my DVD with my PS3 for its better HD upscaling) to pause... but instead of freezing the frame, it switched to a footage of Trey and Mike on a couch, in front of a TV, watching this very girl coming on stage to dance on a rope !!
Speaking of a freaky moment !
Then I realized it was an easter egg hidden in the dvd that you can view when you press Enter on your remote. I did a search on the internet about it and found nothing but a vaguely reference on the week4paug forum where someone states that there is another bonus footage in The Curtain on this same dvd.
But as it's rather annoying to watch the whole DVD while pressing Enter all the time, I went to search for the bonus videos with my computer.
I came upon (a lamp post) a full bunch of new footage in the structure of the DVD (17 videos to be precise). I search the 7 DVDs of the box set but there ware hidden videos only in this #5.
In all the videos, the band is in front of Clifford Ball footage and make comments, jokes or laugh at themselves. It's like a multi-angle feature or a video version of the audio commentary you find on many movie DVD. The footage comes from the same "session" of some videos found in the bonus DVD of the set (#7). I don't know when it was filmed but it's rather old as Marley is still here. They are with another guy whom I can't identify. He looks like a young Dave Matthews but it may be Kevin Shapiro.
The songs featured are The Curtain, Fluffhead, Runaway Jim, Run Like a Antelope and Slave to the Traffic Lights. Some comments are really epic if you ask me, like "That laser guy should be f**ing beaten" or, speaking of Mike's t-shirt, "You look like you're radioactive".
So I ripped them and decided to show them here as it's far more easy than keeping hitting Enter on the remote... Ok, it's rather poor quality when you compare to the new Big Cypress footages showed in the The8tre yesterday but anyway...
Enjoy !