I finally found the Virtual Band

by Yome NetSan 10. August 2012

Remember when I wrote about a comment on the Headphones Jam that mentions Phish as a "Virtual Band" ? I couldn't recall where was the original post on the Internet but I just had a flash !

Actually, it was just before my eyes because it's the first review on livephish.com ! I don't know how I didn't think about it before...

TheSpaceman  (1/16/2007 9:31:15 AM)

I would be happy if Phish got together every now and then and recorded new jams like this for livephish.com

If touring is going to be an unworkable situation for the band...they should do this stuff on their own. Be a digital band. Screw the tours, screw the major label hassle...if the only way Phish can come back is by being radically different, while still moving forward, i think this is a great answer. No 3,000 person guest list, no lot scene...just new, great music with no pressure.

I would dig it and I bet they would end up making some great music.

p.s. - this jam is very cool.



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