Everyone Orchestra is a unusual band.
First of all, its structure is always changing. It's actually a kind of Super Band with each member coming from other bands and none of them is permanent. There are regulars like John Fishman (ring any bell ?) or Marco Benevento and new comers like Jennifer Hartswick (Trey Anastasio Band). it's really an orchestra for everyone to come and play. The only central axis is Matt Butler, leader and creator... whow doesn't play any instrument.
Everybody Orchestra's music can be defined as conducted improvisation. Indeed, Matt Butler conduct the band with gestures, jumps and boards where he writes words, feelings, moods to lead the music. Needless to say, each concert is different as there's no specific "song".
After 10 years of shows, Matt Butler wanred to make a studio album. But how could one make a studio recording of a concert-only, full improvisation, ever changing line-up act ? Simply by re-creating the same feeling in studio for a one of a kind recording : improvisation.
So he gathered the following line-up : Jon Fishman (Phish), Jeff Coffin (Dave Matthews Band), Al Schnier (moe.), Reed Mathis (Tea Leaf Green), Steve Kimock, Marco Benevento, Jennifer Hartswick (Trey Anastasio Band), Jamie Masefield (Jazz Mandolin Project) et Jans Ingber (The Motet). Session lasted two days and a preview of the result can be viewed bellow.
Now, in order to finish producing the album, a project has been set up on kickstarter.com to collect the needed 15.000$. Anyone can participate with any amount to help the cause and your credit card will be charge only if the goal is reached on January 6th 2012.
But it's more than just giving money. Depending on how much you gave, you'll receive a download of the album before it's released, a signed CD, all of that + bonus tracks, all of that + a signed poster or picture... It goes on to concert tickets, a meeting with the band or you nammed as producer of the album !
So even if you can't afford to have Matt Butler conduct your own band in your living room, it's like you pre-order the album while helping it happens ! It's open to everyone...
Anyway, have a listen to a preview of the session and let's participate here :