I woke up at 8.30.
Or so I thought.
Gilles had sent me an email during the night to remind me that there was a time change today.
It was actually 7.30 !
I went back to bed for a welcomed extra hour...
When I woke up for good, my goal was to fit all that I've bought to my luggage and I achieved it quite easily.
After checking out, I took the bus to the city.
I had a few Souvenirs to buy, like a train toy for my son that I found at Toy'R Us.
I still had two hours until my appointment with Gilles so I went back to the Boardwalk.
I bought some Atlantic City T-shirts and a mug for my brother.
Then I just walked on the beach reflecting on the few days I've live here, living my dream. I ate a slice of pizza and took a coffee with more donuts. I quickly met Kevin from last evening bus, totally by chance.
At 1 PM, we gathered with Gilles and he drove us to the Airport. On the way, we listened to his own musical project, a concept album for kids with a lot of music styles. I really liked it and I hope to see it on the shelves soon.
I spent my few cents left at the airport.
Gilles' flight was delayed by two hours. It would be tough for him as he'll go straight to work on the next day, landing at Zurich for work instead of Geneva!
The end of the trip isn't much of interest (who said "like the rest" ?). It ended as it started, in a uncomfortable plane, with Miles Davis in my ears.
It's been a year already and I can not wait to go back on tour...