by Yome NetSan
30. November 2009
I just found this post with cute videos of babies liking Phish.
I hope I'll post videos of my little Eden soon :)
by Yome NetSan
30. November 2009
Ok so the "source" may be as shit as good but anyway. The link is again PT ( and different sounds can be heard.
The first post is about no Spring tour in Europe. Only a Trey solo in february then a Phish summer tour in the US.
A page furthur, someone else says that his source has confirmed the Europe spring tour and that it will be announed between the 5th december and Miami (when the band isn't on tour). But this time, the dates would be mid-March through early April to match the spring break so that members family could come too.
Another guy even wrote from-his-mind dates for a tour that would end in Dubaï on April 1st !
I'm also sad to read some things like "I hope they won't spoil a tour in Europe" or "I hope it isn't true because I can't afford the trip to Europe"... Please think about the few european fans who can't afford a trip to the US to see their favorite band :(
The fun here is that I could make a new tread and tell that I have a inside source in several tour management in Europe and give bull shit dates. I'm pretty sure if I write the stuf well enough it would make the round over the Internet in less than a day !
This to say that these are only rumors and I'll book flights and hotels only when the dates are on
My only request is to avoid a Europe tour between 21th and 31th April 2010 because I'll be in Morocco...
by Yome NetSan
25. November 2009
No new news about a european tour although some website are spreding the august rumors only this week.
I'm weak so I finaly bought things I saved money from :
- Gravity Crash, PS3 downloadable game (7€)
- Braid, PS3 downloadable game (10€)
- The Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time mangas (2x 7,50€ saved each month)
I received an answer for my Joy box that doesn't make me laugh.
I'm listening to the Fall tour each day and I'm loving it althought i'd like more variety in setlist. I'm sick of Chalkdust Torture, You enjoy myself and Down with Disease.
by Yome NetSan
17. November 2009
I'm still waiting for my Joy box (among other items in the same order).
I sent an email to Dry goods (with other emails found on the contact page as CC) today.
Hello Dry Goods,
I'd like to know when will my order #24332894 be shipped ?
It has been pushed back because of the Joy Box and I received the following email stating that it will ship during the first week of November. It's know the 17th november and I got no news.
You can understand that a $225 order made on 11th August and not shipped on the 17th November might be quite annoying for a "valued" international customer.
And yet, I paid $59 for shipping only !
I remember that it was written on the Pre-order Joy page that the Box will be shipped on a first-ordered/first-shipped basis. I think that I order it on the first day the Joy box was listed and I read on multiple message boards over the Internet that people got an email when it was shipped and have already received their order !
I'm glad I choose 12-18 month as size of the baby items I ordered. My July-borned baby would have been too tall if I had choose the size depending on the date I should have received my order...
Oh and a shirt included in my order is on sale know and cost $5 less...
My second "fear" about my order is that I hope the items will be very well protected in the parcel than with my last orders. I don't want to wait several month for the Joy Box for finally received it crushed...
I received the Mike Gordon's Green Sparrow vinyl and Trey Anastasio Original Broadway Style and Time Turns Elastic vinyls with crushed corners because of a too small parcel. I emailed you several times about this issue with pictures of the vinyls but I got no answer.
Oh and I'm still waiting for an answer for my october 2008 email about a 10% off coupon I got because of the delay of the Green Sparrow vinyl that never worked (see far bellow)...
I'm a great Phish fans and a long time Dry Goods customer. I got used of not having the choice to buy Phish items elsewhere because I'm french and paying a very very expensive price for shipping.
I'm sorry to say that but since Dry Goods is managed by Music Today, the customer service is very poor.
I find insulting that, as a "gift" for my patience, you give me a reduction coupon for a next order, on which you will own money anyway !
I'm sorry to become a little bit angry but you can understand that this situation is getting on my nerves...
I'm waiting patiently for your answer.
[UPDATE on 18th November] I don't know if my yesterday eMail has anything to do with it but...
Your order has been shipped by IMEX STANDARD.
[UPDATE on 23th November] I received today an answer for my mail. It's a standard answer for not received item from Dry Goods, I had word-by-word the same answer when I asked about my Clifford Ball dvd several month ago. By the way, it's ridiculous to pay 59$ for shipping and not having a tracking system...
Our records indicate that your order shipped on 11/17/09. International orders ship via IMEX Bulk. We are not provided individual tracking numbers. Regardless of delivery location and due to recent border restrictions, International delivery can sometimes take up to 24 business days. IMEX delivers to your local mail carrier who then delivers to the address provided with your order. If you do not receive your order by the 24th business day, please check with your local post office as they may be holding your order. If you are unable to locate your order, please verify with us your correct shipping address and we will investigate your delivery issue.
If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to contact us.
by Yome NetSan
10. November 2009
New things I won't (or shouldn't) buy :
- New Super Mario Bros Wii (50€)
- The Legend of Zelda - Spirit Tracks (Nintendo DS - 40€)
- Queen Pack (Rock Band DLC - 12€)
- Braid (PS3 Game - 15€)
Things I told I wouldn't buy but ended bought :
- Histoire de Nintendo 2
- Cahier du Jeu Vidéo #2 Le Football
- A new Jack Skellington mug, DisneyLand (10€)
So it's 117€ saved and 43€ spent.
by Yome NetSan
1. November 2009
...that I'm in my living room in Lyon, France, with my baby, listening to Phish as they play live in California !
And I get some pictures too !
01. Water in the Sky
02. Back on the Train
03. Brian and Robert
04. Invisible
05. Strange Design
06. Mountains in the Mist
07. The Curtain With (Damned my Internet connection cut the intro !!!)
08. Army of One
09. Sleep Again
10. My Sweet One
11. Let me Lie
12. Bouncing Around the Room
13. Train Song
14. Wilson > Story about siting down > Wilson
15. McGrupp And The Watchful Hosemasters
16. Driver (cut almost entierly on Sirius...)
17. Talk
18. Secret Smile