by Yome NetSan
2. December 2013
As we celebrate today the 30th anniversary of our favorite band, I wanted to share a quick note about the T-Shirt I wore for my first Phish show.
Remember I told you
how I got it and that I didn't know how old it was ?
Well, only two days ago I decided to take pictures of some of my CDs from my collection. Almost all of them are listed on my french website Gamusik but, as it's a long work, there are a lot of missing pictures.
On this morning, I focused on Slip Stitch and Pass, A Live One and their related promo CDs. I haven't opened the package for years and I watched again the pictures inside the booklet with pleasure. Inside, there is also a "Paid advertisement" leaflet with several merchandising item to order.
And one of them is my mystery Tee !
So now I know it's official, it dates from 1994/1995 and its "name" is "Multimedia Fish on Linen".
I know, I know, it's completly useless, but that's the kind of little things that matter to me...