Wednesday 14th march 2012 @ 20:00
I've known Lotus for about three years and I listened mostly to 2008 and 2009 shows, so I knew what to expect. I can't remember how I discovered them but I know what makes me listen to them the first time : a cover of The Legend of Zelda video game themes. As I am a video game fan and avid Zelda lover, I couldn't avoid this.
The band has a bass/sampler player in the middle (Jesse Miller), a guitarist on the right (Mike Rempel), a keyboard/guitar player on the left (Luke Miller), a drummer on the back left (Mike Greenfield) and a percutionist on the back right (Chuck Morris).
They had the difficult task to be the first act of this year Jam in the Dam and to wake up the crowd. And Waow! they rocked right from the start ! Their music isn't your typical jam rock stuff. Almost everything is played live but it sounds really electronic with some sampler sounds here and there. Mostly instrumental, the only vocals are from samples played my Luke or Mike. The guitar licks and solos were very well merged in the vibrating music.
It was early in the evening but everyone was dancing like crazy as we've been in a disco club late at night. So it was great to have a lot of space around us to dance ! This festival's atmosphere is really friendly and relaxed. Nobody would push you or squeeze you against the stage. If someone wanted to move before you to take pictures, he would ask you and then thank you while returning behind. Nice !
This band is really amazing. I can understand that their electro feel might not please everybody, maybe that's my european side, but I loved this show. And I was more than happy when they jumped into the Zelda's themes I've been hoping for in the middle of Jump Off !
What a start !
Setlist :
The Surf,
Bush Pilot,
Middle Road,
Plant Your Root >
Behind Midwest Storefronts,
Jump Off >
Zelda >
Jump Off