Thursday 15th march 2012 @ 24:00
I have waited 15 years to see Mike Gordon and now I'm about to witness my second show in two days !
Playing the last concert of this second day at Jam in the Dam, Mike had the headlining spot tonight with a late night set starting at midnight. I hoped that, without any band after them, they would stretch their set a little but it lasted exactly 90 minutes.
Starting with Sugar Shack and Can't Stand Still, I felt confident to live-tweet the setlist, thanks to the free Wifi access inside the Melkweg. But I found myself lost as soon as they went through the first cover. No, I don't know every Beatles song... So I did my best and wouldn't even care if I didn't spell the titles right.
But my first goal was to enjoy the music anyway. Since the beginning of the festival, I felt rather lucky with the songs selection (Zelda by Lotus, Meat by Mike and Birds by Keller) and Mike made me another present with Funky Bitch ! I love that tune and Scott Murawsky's guitar was ripping and jamming !
There's another funny story about this show. Like in
the first night, they played a brand new cover :
Kissing the Lipless by
The Shins.On the stage setlist, the song title was just
"Kissing", one word only like most of the songs (
"Babylon"). Soon after the show, released the setlist with the song
"Kissing" noted as
"a Scott Murawsky original" because he sang the song. As it happened nobody in the audience seemed to know the original song, except for
Stephen. Back at home, he has posted a comment with the correct title and artist. But as he was the only one who said so, wanted to wait for an official confirmation before correcting setlist (which I can understand). But on the other hand, nobody waited for an official confirmation to write that it was a Scott original...
So the mistake remained and spread all over the Internet on every single reviews of the show like here and there (although it has been corrected since). Apparently, people who wrote them weren't in Amsterdam or didn't take the time to listen to the original version because they would have recognized the intro with the band clapping hands and yelling "Whoo!".
A week later, Mike's official website put the setlist online and all doubts have been wiped out.
And after all, it turns out that I've already listened to this song. It was covered by
Marco Benevento and appeared in the pre-order bonus EP
Spell 579 years ago !
This story made me think of the "tape years", back in the 80's and 90's. Such a mistake in a setlist could stay for months or even never be corrected ! Nowadays, a wrong setlist spreads on the Internet like crazy, but in the same way, the correct information or the confirmation from officials can be addressed instantly. Actually, it's about who talk first. If the guy who first report the setlist from Amsterdam to knew the Shins (I've never heard of them), it would have been right from the start, obviously, and nobody would have waited for a confirmation.
Setlist :
Sugar Shack,
Can't Stand Still >
She Said She Said >
The Way It Goes,
Andelmans' Yard,
Kissing the Lipless* >
Babylon Baby,
Funky Bitch,
I Miss My Mind,
* First Time Played (The Shins cover)
Audience recordings of this show are available here :