Friday 16th march 2012 @ 8:00
Early wake again and a nice breakfast.
On our way to Centraal Station, we bought tulip bulbs at the floating flower market. We also walked several street with a lot of mushroom shops. But no psychedelic stuff for me : I bought myself batteries and a 4Go SD Card for my photo camera because I was already short of space after 3 days !
This time we had taken the tickets with us for the City Tour Bus. The first part of the tour was real hell because we're upstairs without air conditioned nor open window. It was like 8000°C in here ! The bus was packed without a lot of room between the seats. My wife had my son on her knees because I had most of the bags and we weren't feeling good. My son felt asleep because of the heat and we were trying to cool ourselves the best we could.
A stop was planned at a Diamond Factory and we all stepped out of the bus like if our life depended on it ! But new passagers started walking in before we could go out so it turned into a hurry to move out with our bags, the stroller and our sleeping son.
We realized later this day that, in the haste, we forgot the flower bulbs bellow our seats. It didn't costed a lot of money but it was a little too much for my wife after
the Groupon fiasco.
We barely had the time to catch your breath before following the group inside the Diamond Factory. The visit was shiny as you can expect it and quite interresting.
Thankfully, the next bus wasn't the same as the first one. We stayed downstairs anyway and the second half of the tour was much more pleasant.
On our way back, we walked along the tilting houses, wondering how we didn't saw them before...
We almost visited the Game Museum Amsterdam but my credit card decided otherwise. The setting looked cheap and we weren't sure what to find inside (How big is it ? Are there more items than in my own collection ?). The price was 12.50€ per person and, at first, they wanted my 2 years old son to pay full rate ! But we didn't have enough change and my credit card mysteriously didn't worked. I don't know why, but I think it's a good thing we didn't go...
We finally ate at Burger King again before going back to the hotel to take a nap.